On March 5th I received this message from a nurse in Kingsley:
Hey, Jim. I remember you coming to the Kingsley Nursing and Rehab and playing Uno. I saw that you were talking about how awesome of a lady Lou is and I wanted to inform you that she had passed away last night. Although she was one of the best residents I have worked with, I know she is in a better place. She always used to call me "Sunshine", and I don't think it's just a coincidence how much brighter and warmer it is today. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
A couple months earlier, on Saturday January 21st:
Two middle school students and I visited the Kingsley nursing home. We wanted to visit and chill with the residents.
We sat down with Lou, and at first she was a bit leery about two middle school students and a shaggy-haired-dude chatting with her, but within in 5 minutes she opened up and was sharing about her life.
One thing I distinctly remember is her plush-stuffed-animal cat.
With a smirk she said "Push it's paw."
We pushed the paw, it started purring and in unison we said, "Awww... that is so cute."
It purred three times.
On it's 4th purr it started shaking violently and produced a high pitch "MEOW!!!"
It startled us, like a person who jumps out behind a corner to surprise his friends.
Lou just sat back and laughed. She soaked it in.
It made her day, and it made ours.
We left the nursing home full. Full of joy, laughter and the moments we were blessed with sharing alongside of Lou. We never would have been able to experience those moments with Lou if we never went.
Visit a nursing home in your community
Take some younger people with you and help them realize the importance of hanging out with elderly peeps. Once a month, or week.
Lou is gone and will be missed greatly
One day when I'm older, I hope younger people come and visit me, and not forget about me because I'm no longer young.
Listen, laugh often and tell corny jokes
If you can make someone feel loved & cared about, or make them smile, it will have a huge impact on who you are.
Here are a couple pics of people I've been blessed with meeting on the Awake My Sole journey
In Storm Lake chilled with Millie and her sock monkey. We nicknamed him Greg. Sam and Lilly joined me. |
Harold and I in Fort Dodge Iowa. Harold loves jokes, and he shared this joke with me "What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? You are too young to smoke." |