Just like in running, life throws us some unexpected obstacles.
This last week, we had to cancel all the Awake My Sole running and speaking events in Fort Dodge.
Never expected this.
Our best friend was admitted into the hospital with pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs), and without hesitation we made our way up to Bismarck North Dakota.
An unexpected obstacle.
Life is full of these.
Some happy and joyful.
Some sad and disheartening.
...and just like in running, we must continue on.
Our week has been filled with a lot waiting in the hospital.
Doctors and nurses.
Prayer and food.
Tears shed, both in receiving positive and negative updates.
These unexpected obstacles make us question our present status, possibly realigning us to what really matters.
What does really matter? People? Career? Money? God?
What is meaningful? What makes life meaningful? Am I living a meaningful life?
Is there a God? If so, why are negative unexpected obstacles allowed to happen?
These are tough questions, and we must wrestle with them.
After this week of going through this unexpected obstacle, we have once again been strengthened and realigned to what really matters: the greatest commandment "to love God, and to love people."
I hope this makes you laugh |