feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.
Is it cliche to write a blog post saying I'm thankful a day before Thanksgiving?
However, it's true. I am thankful, especially when I am reminded of the importance of friends, family and faith.
Thanksgiving has the ability to realign me to the things that are truly important.
Here are some things I'm thankful for... in pictures
Levi, Noah, David and Rebekah |
Andrew, Cory and Cody |
Family |
More family |
Colorado |
Food |
Traveling to distant lands |
Family in Colorado |
Iowa |
Coffee in a mug from Turkey |
Fanny Packs |
Chipotle |
Kris, who gave the idea of me running and speaking as a profession. She planted the seed of Awake My Sole 3 years ago.
To the numerous people who have listened to my dream... who have encouraged, challenged, and asked me the tough questions, and continue to ask those tough questions.
the people following the AMS facebook and twitter page.
my family, mentors, friends, who support what I am doing.
my faith community, who believes in what I am doing.
health, and the abilities of running and speaking.
those who have sponsored me and will sponsor me this coming year.
the families that are welcoming me into their homes as I run across Iowa.
for the Creator... who has given me life...
plus many many many more...
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