Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What do you think about when you run 40-miles?

I'm often asked "Do you get bored when running?"

My answer, "Nope."

I enjoy listening to music/podcasts & I enjoy thinking.

Yesterday morning I left the Dubuque Iowa area, headed for Manchester Iowa.  

Music I enjoyed during the morning part of my run: 

  • Josh Ritter
  • Guster
  • Paper Bird
  • Caedmon's Call
  • Sleeping At Last
  • Coldplay
  • The Lumineers

After my lunch break in Dyersvilles (AKA "The Field of Dreams") I unplugged my headphones for the next seven miles to Earlville.

I wrote down all my thoughts during this seven-mile section.

I wanted to SHARE them with you so you can understand "WHAT JIM THINKS WHEN RUNNING 40-miles."

Trains are neat.  They fascinate me.  It would be neat to get a ride to Manchester on one of those things.  It would make this running thing much easier.

Corn.  Iowa produces a lot of corn.  I wonder how much corn Iowa grows each year.

Pain.  My knee really hurts.  Why is my right knee acting up?  I think I have a blister on my feet from these new shoes.  Keep running, the pain isn't going to go away, you just have to push through it.  Should I call my host family to come pick me up?

Jesus.  My inspiration.  I wonder who else Jesus inspires?  I wonder if Jesus ever went for a jog?  Actions are equally as important as words when sharing your story.  Do TRACTS really work?  I really enjoy learning about other faiths.  I love to listen & dialogue with others of different beliefs.

Fiance.  I miss my fiance.  I miss my family.  I miss Sioux City.  I'm really looking forward to my upcoming break.

Sandwiches.  That half-Rueben sandwich I ate in Dyersville was delicious.  I should have gotten a whole sandwich.  I shouldn't have drank a cup of coffee, my legs are starting to cramp. I love coffee.

Creation.  Iowa is beautiful.  I'm sure glad it isn't as hilly as it was in Dubuque & Bellevue.

Trash and beer.  There is a lot of trash on the side of the road.  I am overwhelmed by how many beer cans & bottles I see, means there is a lot of drinking & driving.  Not cool.  If I was to pick up all the cans I see on the side of the road, I wonder HOW MUCH I could redeem those for?  I tried it once before and made about 20 bucks.

How hot the pavement is.  The black pavement has got to be hotter then what the actual temperature is.  I keep sweating and sweating.  I should probably drink some more water.

Chaffing.  Very unpleasant, especially with salty-sweat.

My journey.  I can't believe only two more towns, and I will be at the half-way point of the Awake My Sole journey.  Who would have thought that a dream planted 4 years ago by Kris would bring me to Manchester Iowa.

Water.  Don't forget to drink more liquids.  Even if you don't want to drink water, drink some more.  I'm getting a headache, I should probably eat some more food.

Finishing today.  I'm really looking forward to being done today, looking forward to meeting my new host family.  I wonder what they are like?

What's next?  After my year of running, what's next?  What's going to come out of the Awake My Sole journey?  Should I start a once-a-year run, or a camp for students to go to, or should I write a book?  Or should I continue running and speaking?  should I run across another state?  What happens if I can't provide means for my soon-to-be-wife and I?  Should I go back into being a Middle School Director?  Who knows.

Those are but a few of the things I think about when Running.

I'm curious, when you are running/creating/etc. "What do you think about?"  Comment Below

Running Recap from Monday (6/11)

Jim Ellis is a professional long distance runner and motivational speaker with Awake My Sole.

He is currently at the half way point of the journey: having spoken 174 times in 20 Iowa communities to 8230 people since January 9th.

He welcomes any opportunity to SPEAK at schools, youth groups, churches, organization, clubs, etc. 

Contact Jim for additional information OR if interested in having him come speak.


  1. Jim,

    In 2005, Iowa corn farmers grew alomst 2.2 billion bushels of corn on 12.5 million acres of land


  2. Jim,
    Black pavement soaks up all of the UV and heat from the sun and are normally 40-60 degrees hotter than ambient temp at full sun, at the same time white and grey reflects the color and UV wave and stays cooler. I did wanna say keep the faith and keep on running. Also fun fact underwater colors fade and certain colors can only reach certain depths which cause a shift in the perceived color, shape, and heat dissipation of certain colors. Meaning under water and in rain even the heat can dissipate to close to or below ambient. So although asphalt can get super hot after a rain it can be below ambient. This can cause warping, shifting in the roads, and bumps due to the changing in the size of the asphalt relative to its normal size at ambient temp.
